Making-of: Strange Anomaly Beyond Gamma Sector
This is as much of a journey through digital painting as it is a making-of. Join me in an exploration of skill-development…
Making-of: Zombie Amusement Park
There’s only one thing better than zombies or fun fairs and that’s zombies in a fun fair! A bit of 3ds max and a lot of Photoshop…
Making-of: Pirate’s Den 3d paint-over
Things get a little piratical in yet another 3ds max/Photoshop paint-over walk through
Making of: Captain’s Ship Tavern – 3ds max and some paint-over
Time for another Victorian-inspired street scene using 3d and Photoshop. This time I push the realism a little further…
Making of: Spooky Gas Station – Digital Painting Mood Studies
Old gas stations, alone on dusty highways, make for some ethereal atmospheres. Here’s how I did it…
Digital Painting Thumbnail Practise
Making of: Batman Concept
In this making-of I get to grips with Art Deco, vehicle design, Batman and finally fulfill my dream of seeing him on a cool bike!
Making of: The Pumpkin Tree
Happy Halloween everybody! Let’s walk through my spooky painting and also talk about the importance of thumbnails…
Making of: Victorian Slums
This walk-through takes a look at perspective drawing, Victorian/Tudor architecture and line work…
Tutorial: Using Zbrush, 3ds max and digital painting techniques
In this tutorial I show you how I used a combination of Zbrush, 3ds max and Photoshop to create Grayskull Islands….
3d Rock Studies: learning zbrush, 3ds max & displacement techniques.
Here are a couple of images I’ve been working on that won’t make it into the portfolio but perhaps ought to be shared anyways….
Making of: Mountain City – Quick Concept
Let’s talk about composition (and speed for a change) in this digital painting tutorial; Mountain City Concept…
Making of: Apocalypse House Matte-Painting
This post-apocalyptic tutorial focuses on a mixture of photo-manipulation, matte painting and 3d integration…
Making of: Victorian Street Concept 3d paint-over
In this making-of I’ll be showing you how I used 3ds max & Photoshop to create a 3d/paint-over concept piece…
Retro Sci Fi art part 6: 10 retro futurism images
In this exploration of retro futurism beauty, we look at novel covers, technology and a bit of architecture!
Digital Painting Tutorial: Skeletor Portrait
See how I made this retro Skeletor Digital Painting with this digital painting tutorial…
3D Tutorial: Architectural Visualisation in 3ds max from Autocad drawings
This is the first 3d architectural visualisation tutorial I’ve made where we’ll go from Autocad plans through to 3ds max and photoshop!
Retro Sci Fi art part 5: 10 retro futurism images
In the 5th installment of retro futurism images, I go the extra mile and provide a few sources of other cool retro sci fi art!
Planet of the Apes Cartoon Poster
Here’s an idea I had for a retro sci-fi futurism poster featuring a comic style for a made-up Planet of the Apes cartoon…
Digital Painting Tutorial: One Eyed Monster Thing
This digital painting tutorial takes us back into the realms of strange retro sci fi futurism where we’ll make a weird one eyed monster!
Digital Painting Tutorial: Garbage Pail Kids – Street Fighter Blanka
Here’s another digital painting tutorial on the creation of a Garbage Pail Kids character in Photoshop. This time: Blanka from Street Fighter 2!
In a previous digital painting tutorial I showed you how to create a Garbage Pail Kid using photoshop and based off a hand drawn pencil sketch. This time I do the same but go further into the paint detailing for a full-colour, brightly lit GPK scene in the classic GPK style!
3D Tutorial: Neo Roman Interior using 3ds max & Vray
Here’s how I made my ‘Neo Roman’ interior architecture rendering using 3ds max, Vray & Photoshop…
3D Tutorial: Making of Post Apocalyptic City Ruins
Want to make a cool 3d post-apocalyptic ruined city? Here are the steps I took to create this futuristic image.
3D Tutorial: Victorian Street made in 3dsmax & Vray
Welcome to my first 3d tutorial. Here I’ll show you how I made a victorian street scene in 3dsmax…
Retro sci fi art part4: 10 retro futurism images
Here we are in the fourth installment of the retro futurism art collection. This time we’re looking at space colonies! ‘Groovy’.
Digital painting tutorial: sci fi landscape based on Vue render
This is the second digital painting tutorial where we use Eon Vue as a reference to paint a sci fi landscape with a retro feel.
So in a previous digital painting tutorial I showed you how to use Eon Vue to render out your reference and here we are doing much the same thing but taking it a step further…
Digital Painting Tutorial: Gandalf speed-painting plus hair brushes
I’ve been focusing on head studies lately and what better way to take a break from the anatomy books than to study Gandalf’s Noggin.
Digital Painting Tutorial: Zombie Portrait
October’s final digital painting tutorial takes us into the realms of the walking dead. Happy Halloween…
Digital Painting Study: Old Man
Time to bite the bullet and paint some skin and hair with this digital painting study of an old dude.
Digital Painting Tutorial: Photo-real stone ruins
Achieve a photo-real effect in your digital paintings with this stone ruins digital painting tutorial…
Digital painting study: Roman Ruins
Digital painting study: Ocean Rocks
Here’s a digital painting study I worked on today of a rocky beach (a few WIPs included).
Free rock brushes for Photoshop
Free rock & dust brushes for Photoshop to help with your digital paintings!
Here are 10 free rock and dust brushes for photoshop (made in CS3). You can create all kinds of rocky, dusty landscapes for sci-fi and fantasy paintings. Read on and download…
Ninja Turtle digital painting
Speed Painting: Rock of Gibraltar
Retro sci fi art part3: 10 retro futurism images
This is part three of the retro futurism art series. Indulge in more glorious 70s/80s airbrushed weirdness.
Digital Painting Study: Hogwarts Great Hall part 1
Okay, it’s study time and for the first digital painting study here on SIW I bring you some Harry Potter magic…
Digital Painting Tutorial: make your own Garbage Pail Kid
Today I bring you my own tutorial for making a Garbage Pail Kid sticker/card. I even provide the logo and font!
Digital painting tutorial: Combine photoshop with Vue 7
This digital painting tutorial is a little different from the others in that we’re using scenery generated by Vue as reference to paint a sci-fi UFO crash landscape.
Retro sci fi art part2: 10 retro futurism images
Here is the second instalment of retro futurism art work. Sci-fi paintings, airbrushings or photos from the pre digital-art era.
Digital painting tutorial: Creature Design
This digital painting tutorial is the first creature design tutorial here at SIW. With a good amount of prep and research you can exceed your own expectations!
Free cloud brushes for Photoshop
Free cloud brushes for Photoshop CS3 (and maybe other versions) for near photo-real clouds!
So I decided to make and give away some free cloud brushes I made in Photoshop CS3. I reckon they might be forward compatible so please comment with any issues and I’ll maybe just give away the original images.
Retro sci fi art part1: 10 retro futurism images
Retro Futurism is the ‘buzz word’ for classic sci fi as seen in 60s, 70s and possibly 80s. Here’s the first of many image collections here on SIW.
Digital painting tutorial: Rock Formations
Digital sci fi art tutorial in Photoshop: Rock Formations.
This digital painting took around 4 hours in photoshop using some pretty standard brushes on the whole. Read on to see how I made it.
Digital painting tutorial: Desert Superstructure
Graphic Design North Wales
Is your company situated in or around the North Wales area and in need of modern, slick graphic design at a highly competitive rate?
Stay in Wonderland V9 under construction
Hi folks,
This is Stay in Wonderland Graphic Design in its 9th incarnation!
For the first time, SIW will be fully html/css and not a Flash site. As such it will attract many more web surfers and will slowly climb out of the anonymous hole it’s been hiding in for the last ten years when it was just a portfolio presentation.
Content this time might be more illustrative and less 3D/Flash. We shall see!
Stay tuned for more. Progress on this site will be daily for a good few weeks.